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Contractions Examples List

As a professional, it is important to know the proper use of contractions. Contractions are shortened versions of two words that are joined together by an apostrophe. They are commonly used in spoken language and informal writing, but they are generally avoided in formal writing. However, in certain cases, contractions can add a natural flow to your writing.

Here are some examples of contractions that you can use in your writing:

1. I`m – I am

2. He`s – He is

3. She`s – She is

4. They`re – They are

5. We`re – We are

6. It`s – It is

7. That`s – That is

8. What`s – What is

9. You`re – You are

10. Can`t – Cannot

11. Won`t – Will not

12. Don`t – Do not

13. Isn`t – Is not

14. Haven`t – Have not

15. Shouldn`t – Should not

Using contractions can make your writing sound more natural and conversational, but it is important to use them properly. In formal writing, such as academic papers or business reports, it is best to avoid contractions altogether.

When using contractions, always ensure that they are appropriate for the context of your writing. For example, in a business report, using contractions may not be suitable as it may come across as too informal.

In addition, always proofread your work to ensure that your contractions are correctly written and used in the right context. Incorrect use of contractions can lead to confusion and misunderstandings in your writing.

In conclusion, contractions can be a useful tool in your writing, but it is important to use them wisely. Use them in the right context, ensure that they are correctly written and proofread your work. With these tips in mind, you can use contractions effectively and enhance the natural flow of your writing.

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