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Doha round Agreement

The Doha Round Agreement is a significant international trade initiative launched by the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001. The purpose of the Doha Round was to address and reduce trade barriers and promote economic development in developing countries. However, the negotiations stalled and were temporarily suspended in 2006 due to disagreements between member countries.

The agreement was named after the Qatari capital, Doha, where the negotiations began. Doha was chosen as the site of the negotiations because of its strategic location in the Gulf region and its status as a developing country.

One of the main goals of the Doha Round Agreement was to reduce agricultural subsidies in developed countries. By doing so, developing countries would have greater access to international markets and would be able to compete more effectively with their developed counterparts. The negotiations also aimed to reduce tariffs on industrial goods, services, and intellectual property rights.

However, the negotiations were suspended due to disagreements over the extent and nature of agricultural subsidies in developed countries, as well as concerns about intellectual property rights and access to affordable medicines. Some developing countries argued that the proposed agreements did not adequately protect their interests, while some developed countries were concerned about the potential economic impact of reducing agricultural subsidies.

The Doha Round Agreement remains an important issue for the WTO and member countries. Negotiations resumed in 2007, but progress has been slow. Some countries have proposed alternative trade agreements, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), which would exclude some WTO members.

In conclusion, the Doha Round Agreement is a significant international trade initiative that remains in negotiations today. While progress has been slow, the agreement remains important for promoting economic development in developing countries and reducing trade barriers worldwide. As negotiations continue, it is important for member countries to consider the interests of all parties involved to ensure a fair and effective agreement.

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