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Sample Host Family Agreement

If you are considering becoming a host family for international exchange students, it is important to have a clear and comprehensive host family agreement in place. A host family agreement sets out the expectations, rules, and responsibilities of both the host family and the exchange student, ensuring a successful and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

Here is a sample host family agreement to guide you in creating your own:

1. Introduction

This section should include a brief introduction about the purpose of the agreement and the parties involved.

2. Accommodation

This section should outline the accommodation arrangements for the exchange student, including the bedroom, bathroom, and any shared living spaces. It should also include any rules or restrictions related to the use of the accommodations.

3. Meals

This section should outline the meal arrangements for the exchange student, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It should also include any dietary restrictions or preferences of the exchange student.

4. Transportation

This section should outline the transportation arrangements for the exchange student, including transportation to and from school or activities. It should also include any rules or restrictions related to the use of the host family`s vehicle.

5. Communication

This section should outline the communication expectations between the host family and the exchange student, including how often communication should occur and the preferred methods of communication.

6. Expectations

This section should outline the expectations for the exchange student, including behavior, school attendance, and participation in family activities. It should also include any expectations for the host family, including involvement in the exchange student`s activities and cultural experiences.

7. Rules

This section should outline any specific rules or restrictions for the exchange student, including curfews, use of electronic devices, and visitors.

8. Emergency Contact Information

This section should include emergency contact information for both the host family and the exchange student.

9. Termination of Agreement

This section should outline the procedures for terminating the agreement, including notice requirements and any penalties for early termination.

By creating a comprehensive host family agreement, you can ensure a positive and enriching experience for both you and your exchange student. Remember to review the agreement with the exchange student and their parents before they arrive to ensure everyone is on the same page.

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