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Urfa Collective Agreement

Urfa Collective Agreement: An Overview

The Urfa Collective Agreement is a collective bargaining agreement that was signed between the Urfa Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Urfa Trade Union. The agreement was signed on 6th May 2021 and covers the working conditions, wages, and benefits of workers in the Urfa region.

The Urfa region is located in southeastern Turkey and is known for its agriculture, particularly the production of cotton and pistachios. The region is also home to a number of manufacturing and textile factories.

The Urfa Collective Agreement is an important agreement that seeks to improve the working conditions of workers in the region. Here are some key points to note about the agreement:


Under the Urfa Collective Agreement, workers in the region will receive a minimum wage of 3,100 Turkish Liras ($370) per month. This is a significant increase from the previous minimum wage of 2,825 Turkish Liras ($335). The new minimum wage will apply to all workers in the region regardless of their sector.

Working Hours

The Urfa Collective Agreement also regulates working hours. According to the agreement, workers are not allowed to work more than 45 hours per week. Any additional working hours must be compensated with overtime pay at a rate of 50%.

Health and Safety

The Urfa Collective Agreement places a strong emphasis on health and safety in the workplace. Employers are required to provide a safe working environment for their employees and must adhere to all relevant health and safety regulations. Additionally, the agreement stipulates that all employees must receive regular training on health and safety.

Paid Leave

The Urfa Collective Agreement also provides for paid leave for workers. According to the agreement, workers are entitled to 14 days of paid leave per year. This can be taken in one block or in smaller increments.


The Urfa Collective Agreement is an important agreement that seeks to improve the working conditions of workers in the Urfa region. The agreement covers a range of issues including wages, working hours, health and safety, and paid leave. It is hoped that the agreement will help to improve the lives of workers in the region and promote greater economic development.

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